Chicago Northwest Train Schedule (2024)

1. Union Pacific Northwest (UP-NW)

  • Clybourn

  • From *

2. Union Pacific Northwest (UP-NW) - Metra

  • Maps & Schedules; Skip to main content. Metrarail Navigation. Metra logo · Train ... Station Details. Address, 6730 North Olmstead Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631.

  • Jump to

3. [PDF] Union Pacific Northwest Line - Metra

  • 21 feb 2024 · Palatine. 4:42. 5:12. 5:42 x5:58. 6:12 x6:22 x6:28. 6:41. 6:52. 6:58. 7:12 x7:22 x7:28. 7:52. 7:58. 8:12 x8:42. 9:12. 10:12. 11:12. 12:12.

4. UP-NW - Union Pacific Northwest Train Schedule - Metra

  • Monday-Friday - Chicago OTC ; 2, Jefferson Park, 5:20am, 5:50am, 6:20am ; 2, Irving Park, 5:24am, 5:54am, 6:24am ...

  • ‹ í}ýsÛFÒ濂å^­“zM˜ XºÚ8ÉM\±s[w[[.ˆ„$Æ$ÁAÙÚ{ï¿@Jè¡ô !B&}{?āÆ|wÏL<ýêwßýüúÝÿ|ó½w]Ìgç¯Ê½Y²¸:¤‹á¯oöQšLÎ_Ób–žÿúføÓß¼¡÷ëbš-¼7Éxz9{?eyqý1]Þ»<™.¼·ãët²ž¥–ð¯i‘'öÿ¯¯§ãä*³%OJ¢ÅjZ¼Õe¾š§E⍯“|•gƒuq9Œ›§‹džž½(Û³N®ÒÞ8[é¢8{ñýO¶q/¶ßnž.³Ù,ûørº˜¤Ÿõǃ<»ÈŠ•-p6]|ðòtv6X]ۏׅ7µ_¼âvié¦s[ÃÈ>x×yzy6]&7%ÁIùlÔýûë¢X®NG£ñ¦ë‹IQwü$˯ÜÂï{;¸™¦—¶‚Á}¿>N'ÅõÙ$µŸ¤ÃêÇKoº˜Ód6\“Yz¼ôæɧé|=ß> =N“||½mj²\Îl› ;‡£l™.귓t5ΧËòé|šÏ,q9=gƒ¦înˆî¿>©>¡ÃTÜÎÒÕušÛŠ‹ôS1¯V Qr?F+y²^ ÓdUÅI2Oþ•-’«“q6/ÝH=ªË?™O'öÑÉÕ¿þûüæ,ð«V4ƳѯƐ¾ÎæËYZ¤Þj»X/³|³\ëUþK¶.R·°éíÇ,Ÿ¬%­—ÃÅÇ»b^zõïbZ~uQ>˜W…z.Ýý_w´Î Ž“E¶°#3ã-©ªžQ^6{Tua´­¢*÷wCˎI‘Í3o8<UJsb~Kn’úéàܛ^~5ÎÎ&Ùx=·Ý´Ÿ}˜¦'õd5ZdWÉèë¯ÿ÷M’{煉³v•lÇ„_|S¾y¿Lþéy-CfOøõ_ÿåýýߔž,׫ë¯þþÂvaüáe¥ÿaÙàÅ?¾&/ÓE9J?ÚzW’MW%ÅW—럜ޯ¾öª­íÊ]gód‘Ìn‹é¸^6ËéÇé‡Ñ€h%NURšÿšÏ^عûójˆN–×K·vKüvZ¤™XBÛgû¶¬lr7F/½«³ÉÉ8O“"ý~––¾zQ苯í|ۗWi±y³úöö]rõ“]T÷4÷ÿñÍÕI5#/œyñwu’¬nã³"_§å¯U>>»oïo+K²:Y&¹-ü§l’žL-gæÅ·©]×éWW/W_ó¾þÊþã½ÕeÖKâ{Ë֛eñÚ~V­Q-ó/²É­7ž%«ÕÙ ^ÄÕâzÇ2E)îï&“›é*Ëožå™r#°cPþ1Ü0‹•I“éMý8]¬ßg7i>Kníã‘}^o5i^mê­ ‹l9 Ïç³÷õ;û<©Š,…QYìÀù¶–Ò5ݏèé7eµÉöãzaohŸðý,³5mýÞ ­lYÑfùæûºëɖ`°)î*œ?¸kÚOì”Îi%ï·ÞÎÓuf¸*¥nR±EYkýöüÕt±\o™~ûɶ É})µ°ûgݖæ‹å,§×ÙÌVy6x[=ô.n½·¶WÞ_¾{YÿQ®ê—ÞëiqûÒK‹ñÉÉÉÀ»Ifk[d%‰êFlª½(ì ªŠ)îöÒÕúb^î2›~°£ú°1ÿvߗ«Ê®®j ̒‹tFûg—åøÃEö©îÅz•Vã^m£sï×Uê½^ç%»x?n^¼mŠÙ®Ò²–<]-3ËKw«´YÇõt2Iu Wiö~fË)֓t;„ôÙ¨åãlqµûõýÃѶÛæÝÏLÙÊõ¬:çÔ$£r”Ëê~v‡Íµ÷àz¬fïÇúWµÐ¶M¦+[ŽÝ¦òrw²•¬–Éâü~·gïûËËtlWgõâ~5ß88ÿîîïƺ§ZØSÑU=Gç¯ìóWëÙ¶Ëܱò[û´:Úl—lwU6ÂþaÅD6[UMÒËÄ勍Ðð&I‘maÃM½õ·”¾È®®f–©çWÛqÝp¡÷®$n4¾QÁVÖÝ×°y²SÓÝä\NóÕý¡jpþKšÌÊCWsØF̌K+pŸ8Žå§mù¦,þÛõ“×ò¦ŽGVYùv3ˆÛŠÉŠl3”wt...

5. Lines, Schedules, Maps & Stations | Metra

  • Union Station · Ogilvie Transportation Center · Naperville · Aurora

6. Union Pacific North Train Schedule - Metra - Chicagoland Transit

  • Monday-Friday - Chicago OTC ; 4, North Chicago, 4:08am ; 4, Great Lakes, 4:12am ; 4, Lake Bluff, 4:16am ; 4, Lake Forest (UP-N), 4:19am ...

  • ‹ í}msÛF²î_ÁrO­í:¦ˆyËcé։“l¶nN⊝³uwkˑɘ"¹$(G¹çþ÷;z(=hˆ¤È­:âˆ@c Ì̃éžî~úí¾ùéÝÇÿóþÛ`T\O.ÞºƒI6žwòi÷—{(Ïo‹q1É/~yßý1è¿Ldzið>돯ÆýàÇÙ¢Ùx|èòÁj’[¡ÿ̋Efÿÿn4îgÙmtà„¦Ëqñ¶W5÷ö:/² ?Ê˼8﬊«nÒYf×ùù÷(«l˜¿ú³i‘O‹óßþhŸëÅæÚõÑÎÕl2™}y=žòß:ÕŝÅìrV,mƒ“ñôs°È'çåÈ>lUc{e'(nçVn|mïгG:Áh‘_wzWٍ8sÇzí¯Å|ù¦×ë¯_}:(ª?›-†~ã÷oÛ¹ç_æöû÷ú2£óAn/É»å×Áx:.ÆÙ¤»ìg“ü\¼®³ßÆ׫ëÍúÆy¶è6šÍçûL…¿ÞlžO«³ƒ|Ù_Œçîè¿ÿv=±ÂnxÎ;Ý]Ý_}V^B»©¸äËQž›ùoE¯¿\>ÖEÙ}-ÕÙjÙͳeѕgÙuöûlš}Yžõg×®Þ2½ªý³ëñôÌ:þþ¿®oÎEX>E­?kïUëÒw³ëù$/ò`¹™¬W³Åzº–üçÙªÈý¶>ç·_f‹Á²ÖÐjޝÞ5ò:(cwÍ¥û}]¶xR÷݉z×Ϧ³©í• o:•·é-Ü3÷Üã÷6w(›ýC×"1+f׳ Û½x[õG}L~Ín²êhç"_½ìŠóóÁ¬¿º¶¯hû|öyœŸUãü²7 ³Þ«Wÿ÷&[ǃóv‚¬çÅ¿ ©¢_¹3ŸæÙ?ƒóà‹ÅâìËÙ¿þû¿ƒ¿ÿã+÷çÙ|µ½üûûýÏï-ŠþË"àÅ?^‘“ùÔuÒ¶>:±ñtè$^^­¦}7²/_å­ì¤ìf×Ù4›Üã~5cæã/ãϽiÐ~lʖòÅ/‹É;pÿþâºì¢³ùhîßÝ ù_Vо³=ën6¸ë£×Áð|pÖ_äY‘;ÉÝ¡—/ª}ñÊ·=9̋õ™å×·³ávBÝËü=üÇWórD^x#òâ«`x–-o§ýób±Êݯå¢~ÿ¼¿.­Èòlž-lã?ÎùÙ؂rQ|Û)¿¾^¾úêÿ½ziÿ Þöª6«)ñ­EôzZ¼³—•s£W}é/gƒÛ ?ɖËóN5…˹õé-…ûÒßÿÌ7ãålqÛ ,^Ü`'FÇýÑ]Å~Žã›êp>]}šÝä‹Ivk÷ìñjÉ•Ðú¾Õ¡n1›wÈñëËɧêœ=ž•Mºïk¶ã][} + Ý÷蛯Üm³ÍÅÕÄ^Ë>áúÉÌ~KóÆëí÷j6/eg‹õõÕ«gÎº¹á¬sñà‚i/±CzMoòióq·ã4šÙ†îƒ›•°pw­Î^¼Oç« è7—lÜ·R}èþY=KýÄ|’õóÑlboyÞùP.oƒö­‚¿|óºúÃÍê×Á»qqû:ȋþÙÙY'¸É&+Ûdù%ªb}ÛËÂΠ²™ân]®.¯Ý³¾è;ûÅ(/¬¿íÃOnVÙÙUNIv™OèûÙiÙÿ|9û­z‹Õ2/û½\zÁ/ËT?½~ªYÁÇ»s}ÛJìÁ©Ù[Ù5±W~×G뚚{ü‡¼åÒªñ‹íÞ¸´*ò ¿X]_vÏü0^AùHåâò§EöÏÕì«À_kÚÙFí‡é^Ï.Ǔ|½º=z>°Ë¶úÓ¤zŒ?M/—ó¯Ö³~âÒv|ü‰—ÅÂ.êÕÊf›Äž«ŽnTaq·îeƒµt‚¹íÍniŽw.Úv¹oi$ªî.mã»Þ˜ùo_—ÖÚÚn˜ìô›ÌoþøÝ»ïÞ}“:mvý™Ú?V¥ê¸|s÷\Á»É¸ÿ¹÷1›ÅÌöÁp4±ÿYUf”[³àKð'k OV×Ó3û ‹ÙdÒûðe<σI~UN]”ÒξvM¾¸3—gÁöٜ´êÍÂmxTJRq9yWM´õBýÔÑï]gö“T ֟g3bk̓õ@Õ¦í‘ÆŸÊ...

7. Union Pacific Northwest Line - RTAMS

8. Metra UP-NW commuter rail - Chicago - Transit App

  • Metra UP-NW commuter rail Stop List and Next Departures ; Chicago OTC. 10:35 AM ; Clybourn. 10:43 AM ; Irving Park. 10:48 AM ; Jefferson Park. 10:53 AM ; Norwood ...

  • See next departure times, schedules, route maps and all stop locations for the UP-NW

9. [PDF] Harvard

  • Visit or call 1-888-. YOUR CTA for specific route, fare and schedule information. At Metra's Ogilvie Transportation Center, most CTA buses.

10. Train Schedules | South Shore Line

  • Westbound weekday regular train schedule: Effective May 14, 2024. ... Ride the South Shore Line to check out the best Chicago and Northwest Indiana attractions,.

  • View and download the latest weekday, weekend and holiday schedules for both eastbound and westbound passengers.

11. Metra Schedule Changes to Suburban Lines Go Into Effect Tuesday

  • 29 mei 2023 · Metra's Union Pacific Northwest Line Changes: · Inbound Trains 618, 632, 658, 662 will now all depart Des Plaines 5 to 6 mins later (on the :07s) ...

  • Schedule changes to two of Metra’s busiest lines that run to and from Chicago’s western and northwestern suburbs will take effect Tuesday.

12. Schedules & Route Info - CTA - Chicago Transit Authority

  • 'L' train route info & schedules ; Blue Line · Blue Line ; Brown Line · Brown Line ; Green Line · Green Line.

  • Find CTA transit route information and bus and train route timetables and schedule information.

    See Also
    Awgn Matlab

13. Metra | Chicago Union Station

  • Commuter rail service for the Chicagoland area. Metra provides commuter rail service for Northeast Illinois: six of Metra's eleven routes originate and ...

  • An iconic building and a marvel of modern transportation for nearly a century, Chicago’s Union Station was designed by Daniel Burnham; a grand building worthy of the city’s status as a national railroad hub.

14. South Shore Line sets May 14 for new train schedule

  • 18 apr 2024 · With the Double Track Northwest Indiana project almost complete, the new track will allow for 53 trains to and from Chicago. “The final ...

  • The South Shore Line announced its new expedited train schedule that will start May 14 with the completion of the Double Track Northwest Indiana project.

15. Metra changing UP-W, UP-NW train schedules - ABC7 Chicago

  • 26 mei 2023 · Metra has made changes to the Union Pacific Northwest and Union Pacific West lines schedules taking effect next Tuesday.

  • Metra has made changes to the Union Pacific Northwest and Union Pacific West lines schedules taking effect next Tuesday.

16. Metra | Chicago IL - Facebook

  • Check the schedule: · May be an image of train, blimp and railroad · Kama Dobbs and 32 others · 󰤥 33 · 󰤦 · 󰤧 ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

17. Northwest Indiana Railroad Map | South Shore Trains & Schedules

  • South Shore trains travel from South Bend to Millennium Station in Chicago with 20 stations along the way, including local stations in Hammond, Gary and East ...

  • Looking to travel by train during your visit to Northwest Indiana? Getting to popular attractions in Chicago and back from the South Shore is simple thanks local stations in Hammond, Gary and East Chicago. Learn more about getting around the South Shore by train.


  • In earlier years, the Northwest Line suburban timetable only covered line to Crystal Lake. While trains beyond to Harvard, and via branch to Williams Bay ...

  • At one time, some Northwest Line trains proceeded north from Mayfair over the Skokie and the Weber spur lines. And some West Line trains proceeded north from Geneva over a spur line to St. Charles.

19. Travel Guides and Train Schedules - The Yard Social Club

  • On Sundays, trains run every two hours between University Park and 63rd Street, and every two hours between South Chicago and 63rd Street. Trains run every 30- ...

  • Note: Travel Guides are considered depreciated, although weekend schedules for many lines have not changed in several years. Verify current schedules at before using for travel and naviga…

20. Empire Builder Train - Amtrak

  • Traveling between Chicago and the Pacific Northwest along major portions of the Lewis and Clark trail, the mighty Empire Builder takes you on an exciting ...

  • Reference # 18.27284317.1723642931.335ba5

21. Metra Announces Changes for 2 Major Lines Serving ... - NBC Chicago

  • 20 mei 2023 · Metra announced upcoming schedule changes for both the Union Pacific Northwest and Union Pacific West lines, with changes taking effect on ...

  • Metra announced upcoming schedule changes for both the Union Pacific Northwest and Union Pacific West lines, with changes taking effect on Tuesday, May 30.

22. Blue Line (Route info, alerts & schedules) - Chicago Transit Authority

  • with stations & connection information ; Stop. Jefferson Park Accessible station. Connect to Metra Union Pacific Northwest Line trains via Jefferson Park Station ...

  • Blue Line service operates between O'Hare and Forest Park via Downtown Chicago.

Chicago Northwest Train Schedule (2024)


Can you drink alcohol on metra? ›

Alcohol is generally allowed on Metra trains, in moderation. Metra reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who is intoxicated or impaired. Unruly behavior will be not tolerated and all riders are required to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. Underage drinking on Metra trains will not be tolerated.

How do I know which track my train is on metra? ›

At the actual tracks, there are audio enunciators that let customers know which track is in front of them. Once again, the departures monitors will let you know which track your train is departing from and the track enunciators will direct you to your track.

How often do Blue Line trains run Chicago? ›

BLUE LINE Chicago 'l' Schedule
DayOperating HoursFrequency (min)
Sun24 hours10 - 15
Mon24 hours5 - 15
Tue24 hours5 - 15
Wed24 hours5 - 15
3 more rows

How much is the train from Harvard to Chicago? ›

Tickets cost $5 - $11 and the journey takes 1h 50m.

What happens if you drink alcohol while taking Metro? ›

Drinking alcohol while taking metronidazole is not recommended because the combination of metronidazole and alcohol can cause a reaction (often referred to as a disulfiram-like reaction) in some people. Symptoms may include flushing, headaches, nausea, vomiting, and stomach cramps.

Can I take my own drink on a train? ›

Yes, you can bring your own food and drink on the train.

Are there bathrooms on Metra trains? ›

Are there toilets on the trains and in the stations? All Metra trains have toilets on board.

How to check train schedule? ›

Visit the RailMitra website or download the RailMitra app from the Play Store. Navigate to the 'Train Schedule' option. Enter Train Number or Train Name in the 'Train Schedule' box and select the desired train from the autosuggest options. Hit the 'Check Train Schedule' button.

What is the difference between Metra and CTA trains? ›

While CTA trains will get you where you need to go within the city, if you're heading to the suburbs, you'll need to ride on the city's commuter rail system, Metra.

Why is the train called the L? ›

How-to: Riding the train. CTA's train system is known as the 'L' (a now-official name originally short for "elevated"). Trains serve over 140 stations located throughout the city and nearby suburbs, on elevated railways, in subways, or on the ground. Enter the station and pay fare.

What is the oldest train line in Chicago? ›

The first L lines were privately owned and operated as separate companies. In 1892, according to CTA historian and expert Graham Garfield, who tracks the extensive history of the 'L' in great detail on, the Chicago and South Side Rapid Transit Railroad began operating the first elevated train.

How much does it cost to go from Chicago to California on Amtrak? ›

The average train ticket price from Chicago to Los Angeles is $253. The best way to find train tickets from Chicago to Los Angeles is to book your tickets as early as possible.

How much does it cost to take the train from Seattle to Chicago? ›

The average train ticket price from Seattle to Chicago is $351. The best way to find train tickets from Seattle to Chicago is to book your tickets as early as possible. Prices tend to rise as your travel date approaches, so book in advance to secure the best prices!

How much is a Amtrak ticket from Chicago to Texas? ›

The average train ticket price from Chicago to Dallas is $151.

Is it legal to drink on a train in Illinois? ›

The state House voted to repeal the widely ignored Railroad Intoxicating Liquor Act of 1911, which prohibits the consumption of alcohol on trains or around train stations. According to the century-old legislation, train conductors may arrest riders for drinking alcohol and charge them with a misdemeanor.

Are you allowed to drink on the train MTA? ›


There is no eating or drinking allowed on platforms, trains and buses.

Can you drink alcohol on the Metrolink? ›

No Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages may not be consumed on board Metrolink trains.

Can you bring alcohol on a train? ›

You may bring aboard your own private stock of alcoholic beverages subject to the following limitations: You may consume private stock alcoholic beverages only in Sleeping Car accommodations for which you have a valid ticket. You may not consume private stock alcoholic beverages in any public areas.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 6148

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.